Top Platforms for Mobile App Development in the Ireland

Published on: October 04, 2023

Mobile app development platforms are the unsung heroes behind every app you download. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or an established business looking to venture into the digital space, choosing the right platform is your first significant decision. But with many software options and app design methodologies available, how do you discern which is the best fit for your specific needs?

Have you ever wondered why certain apps have a smoother interface than others or why some seem more responsive? Why do certain development companies in Ireland swear by Flutter while others lean heavily into React Native? And with the rise of hybrid app development, how do traditional iOS and Android platforms measure up?

We've put together this manual to answer all these concerns. We'll journey through the top mobile app development platforms popular in Ireland and explain their advantages, costs, and unique features. From understanding the allure behind Dart in Flutter app development to unveiling the power of app analytics tools in the development process, each section will provide insights that simplify your decision-making process.

Top Six App Development Platforms:

Platforms for developing mobile apps have seen significant advancements, particularly in regions like Ireland. Given the booming mobile user base and businesses' choice towards digital, choosing the right mobile application development platforms has never been more crucial. Let's explore the top six platforms one by one.

iOS Platform:

iOS is the operating system exclusively developed and used by Apple for its mobile devices, such as iPhones, iPads, and iPods. Ask anyone about their iPhone; they'll probably rave about its slick design and everything. That's the magic of iOS. It's not just another mobile operating system; it's a statement. From the smooth transitions to how it talks effortlessly with other Apple gadgets, iOS sets the gold standard. And don't even get us started on the App Store - it's like an endless digital playground. Add the coolness of Siri chats and the fun of FaceTime calls, and you can see why people get attached. It isn't just about the tech aspect; it's about crafting user experiences, and iOS invariably excels.

Ecosystem Integration: iOS, an integral part of the Apple ecosystem, allows seamless integration with other Apple devices. This harmonious environment encourages users to stay loyal to the brand and offers developers a consistent framework.

High Security: Apple's iOS is renowned for its tight security measures. Its strict app review process and hardware-software integration provide an added layer of protection against external threats.

Dedicated SDK: The Apple iOS SDK equips developers with the tools and interfaces necessary for iOS app development. Written in Swift and Objective-C, it aids in creating high-performance apps that are specific to the platform.

Competition with Android: Android dominates the market share, but iOS leads in profitability and user loyalty. Developers often grapple with the "Android vs. iOS" dilemma, but iOS's user engagement and consistent design make it appealing.

Cross-Platform Development: Tools like React Native allow for cross-platform app development, enabling apps to run on Android and iOS. Yet, native iOS development retains its charm due to performance and optimization benefits.

iOS, known for its dedicated user community and high-quality standards, is often the go-to for app developers keen to leave a lasting impression in the mobile world.

Android Platform:

Android is an open-source operating system primarily used for mobile devices, developed and maintained by Google. Android stands out in the mobile world thanks to its adaptability, user-friendly customization, and the number of people using it. From premium smartphones to cost-effective choices, Android covers the spectrum, catering to all preferences. With a treasure trove of apps and games on the Google Play Store and nifty tools like Google Assistant, it's no wonder folks love it. And let's remember the smooth syncing with other Google services and the refreshing OS updates. It's evident that Android isn't merely adapting to trends; it establishes them.

Android SDK Excellence: A development haven, the Android SDK comes replete with design tools, libraries, and documentation, supporting every Android version and ensuring apps resonate with diverse user needs.

Broad Device Distribution: Unlike iOS, Android reveals a wide device distribution. From premium gadgets to cost-effective alternatives, apps on this platform serve a broad range of users.

Customizable User Experience: With its open-source nature, Android offers unparalleled customization features, allowing developers to tweak and tailor apps according to user preferences.

Integrated Services: Android's backbone lies in its integrated services. Location tracking, device management, and application processes work harmoniously, ensuring apps function seamlessly.

Bridging the Gap: While iOS might be synonymous with exclusivity, Android bridges global divides. Its adaptability and compatibility with various device manufacturers make it a dominant force in the app development realm.

Jumping into Android app development is like diving into a world that values creativity, flexibility, and thinking outside the box. With its open and adaptable nature, it's no wonder developers lean towards Android when itching to craft apps that leave a mark.

Flutter Platform:

Flutter is a UI toolkit developed by Google, aimed at crafting natively compiled mobile, web, and desktop applications from a single codebase. Flutter has quickly become the talk of the town among developers, and it's easy to see why. It's zippy and stylish and lets you whip up impressive apps that work smoothly everywhere. The beauty of Flutter? It's all about giving apps a natural feel while keeping the coding swift and snappy. From its treasure trove of ready-to-use widgets to the neat 'hot reload' trick that lets you see your changes as you make them - it's no surprise that developers are warming up to it.

Holistic Development Arsenal: Flutter brings comprehensive mobile app design and development tools, simplifying the developer's journey from ideation to deployment.

Unique Flutter Architecture: Rooted in the Dart language, Flutter's architecture is built around the Skia graphics library, ensuring apps have a robust foundation and deliver smooth performance.

Intuitive Flutter Widget: The widget-based approach of Flutter makes UI creation a breeze. Every element, from buttons to screen layouts, is a widget, allowing for deep customization and dynamic designs.

Cross-Platform Mastery: Unlike xamarin and react native, Flutter seamlessly integrates with native code through its platform channel. This ensures apps feel genuinely native on both iOS and Android.

Efficient Flutter Plugin System: Flutter's extensive plugin system, coupled with a robust community, means developers can easily integrate third-party tools and systems, expanding app capabilities.

Google's Patronage: Being backed by Google, Flutter enjoys continuous updates, innovations, and a vast community. This backing guarantees that it's not just another framework but a mainstay in app development.

Flutter is a beacon of efficiency and versatility, ensuring developers can create apps that resonate with diverse user groups while streamlining the development process.

React Native Platform:

React Native is a framework developed by Facebook, designed for building mobile apps using JavaScript and React. Renowned for its ability to deliver native-like performance and interfaces, React Native enables developers to craft applications for both iOS and Android using a shared codebase. Applications created with React Native are characterized by their speed, fluidity, and responsive design. The framework boasts a "hot reload" feature, promoting rapid iterations during development and a rich library of components. With React Native, achieving a seamless, native user experience across multiple platforms becomes notably streamlined.

Duo-Platform Development: One of React Native's core advantages is its ability to develop platform-specific apps using a single codebase. This means both iOS and Android apps can emanate from the same source, saving development time.

True Native Experience: Unlike some frameworks, React Native renders using native components, ensuring the look and feel of the apps resonate genuinely with the platform norms, be it iOS or Android.

Direct Import Capability: Developers can directly import platform-specific code when needed. This flexibility ensures that while React Native handles most tasks, platform-specific functionalities aren't compromised.

Comparative Advantages: Flutter vs React Native often becomes a debate, but React Native holds its ground with a mature ecosystem, established community, and Facebook's continuous support.

Swift Iterations with Hot Reload: The 'Hot Reload' functionality lets developers immediately see the outcome of their recent modifications, facilitating faster debugging and design tweaks.

Extensible Framework: React Native can integrate with third-party plugins, granting enhanced functionalities without needing WebView.

React Native is an indispensable tool in the mobile app development platform arsenal, promising agility, efficiency, and top-notch user experiences.

Xamarin Platform:

Xamarin Platform, birthed by Microsoft, is a robust framework tailored for creating native mobile applications using C# and .NET. This platform streamlines the app development process and offers the quality of native interfaces. Let's unravel Xamarin's essence:

Unified Code Base: One of Xamarin's crown jewels is the ability to share code across major platforms, Android and iOS, resulting in reduced redundancy and faster time to market.

Intuitive Integration with Visual Studio: Xamarin works harmoniously with Microsoft Visual Studio, presenting a comprehensive suite for app development, debugging, and UI design.

Performance Close to Native: Xamarin apps, whether Xamarin Android or Xamarin iOS, execute native UI controls, ensuring they behave and perform like apps built using platform-specific languages.

Modern Language Constructs with C#: Developers can harness the power of C# to write native Android, iOS, and Windows apps, tapping into the modern language features it offers.

Efficient Xamarin Forms for UI: For developers aiming at a common interface across platforms, Xamarin Forms are a blessing, reducing the need for separate UI development.

Extensive Component Store: Xamarin's component store hosts a plethora of plugins and UI controls, ensuring developers have the necessary tools.

Xamarin is a beacon for developers seeking an amalgamation of native performance, shared codebase, and the powerful backing of C# and .NET.

PWAs Platform:

PWAs, known as Progressive Web Apps, are application solutions accessible via the web, constructed using familiar web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. They are designed to operate on any platform with a browser that adheres to standards. Characteristics include offline functions, push notifications, and integration with device hardware, facilitating user interactions reminiscent of native apps on desktop and mobile devices. Since a progressive web app is a type of webpage or website known for its responsiveness, app-like behaviour, and ease of interaction, it can be easily shared via URL and is indexable by search engines.

Native-like Experience: Despite being web-based, PWAs provide a user experience strikingly similar to native apps. Thanks to their responsive design, they ensure uniformity across all device types.

Offline Access: PWAs cache essential elements, allowing users to access the app offline or even in low-network conditions, a feature not usually associated with web applications.

No App Store Hurdles: PWAs circumvent the need for app store submissions. Users can directly install them from the browser, sidestepping app store fees and approval delays.

Push Notifications: PWAs offer push notifications, ensuring businesses remain engaged with their audience sending timely updates or offers.

Low Development Cost: As a cross-platform solution, PWAs eliminate the need for separate iOS, Android, or hybrid app development. A single codebase serves multiple platforms, ensuring cost efficiency.

Seamless Updates: Unlike traditional mobile apps, PWAs update in real time. Users won't need to visit an app store for updates; they receive the latest version upon access.

PWAs combine the best of web and mobile apps, promising flexibility, performance, and efficiency. For businesses looking to capture a larger audience without heavy investments, PWAs emerge as a compelling choice.


You're looking at a colourful mix when considering mobile apps in Ireland. Yes, we've got the big players like iOS and Android, but we're also seeing a lot of action with newer kids on the block like Flutter and React Native. Here's the thing: the tools you pick can set the tone for how your app works and feels. In a place as digitally savvy as Ireland, you've got to be on top of your game. So, for all the developers and businesses out there, remember this: your platform choices aren't just technical decisions. They serve as your beacon to shine in the saturated world of apps. Choose wisely, and watch your app take flight.

Transform your vision into stellar apps with Square Root Solutions. We specialize in application development in Ireland and are dedicated to turning your mobile ambitions into tangible solutions. Rely on our proficiency and amplify your digital footprint.

Sarah Scully - Chief Marketing Officer of Square Root solutions!

Sarah Scully

Chief Marketing Officer

Sarah is a chief CMO at Square Root Solutions. As a software developer, she excels in developing innovative and user-centric software solutions. With a strong proficiency in multiple programming languages, she specializes in creating robust and scalable applications. Besides her passion for software development, she has a keen interest in culinary adventures, enjoying a variety of unique and interesting foods.

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