We here at Square Root Solutions are proud to present one of the most personalised and helpful apps available. With KeepAppy we have seen our users take a giant leap forward in terms of self-care, positivity and overall well being.

A mental wellness app which has touched the lives of 9000 users across 75 countries!

KeepAppy is a project very close to our hearts. We worked alongside Aimée-Louise Carton and Will Ben Sims to develop what has become an award-winning app, designed to help anyone and everyone with the daily maintenance of their health and wellbeing.

Our app's standout feature is it’s recognition with the top spot at the Web Summit USA last year, gaining international recognition for its flawless design, easy to use interface and high level of satisfaction among users.

Awards aside, we are extremely pleased with how our project has impacted so many lives in such a positive fashion. KeepAppy focuses on a number of different factors in what it deems can help you to lead a healthier, happier life. To take life’s stresses and deal with them in a positive way. To meet your daily challenges in a positive manner. To keep your mind and body healthy, allowing you to maximise your potential.

Aimée-Louise Carton is one of the founders behind the app’s development. Carton has had experiences of mental health issues in her life, and on her road to recovery found herself exercising her own self-help habits. A driven and determined individual, Carton looked to her app store to assist.

She found a number of wellness and mental health apps, yet found none to be useful. If you try a number of these yourself, it’s clear that many of these apps prove to be overly cold and sterile, developed by psychologists with the best of intentions, but none with the user in mind.

This gave Carton an idea. What if there was an app that could really benefit the user, one which could give the user a template to map out the route they needed to get them from where they are, to where they want to be.

On her own journey, Carton realised that while everyone has mental health to look after, very few people know how to exercise their mind and keep it in tip-top shape. With this app, she wanted to address that.

KeepAppy is designed with the user in mind. This was key to Carton’s pitch to our development team, and our awards winning collaboration speaks for itself. With nearly 10,000 users spread over 75 countries, our users get to experience a multitude of features designed by qualified psychologists.

KeepAppy is the total package when it comes to proactive wellbeing practices. It provides each and every user with the tools they need to take control of their mental health and wellbeing.

The various ‘Prevention’ steps included are journaling, goal-setting, mindfulness, pill reminder and a period tracker. Under ‘Growth’ we have included mood tracking, personalised content, a gratitude diary, etc. With the ‘Care’ section we have introduced geo-specific helplines. This range of features has proven to be very popular amongst our users.

One problem Carton found while doing research for the app was that of all the people who used apps to assist with their meditation, only 13% would use those apps on a continuous basis. A huge problem these apps faced was that user interaction dropped steeply after the initial download, leading to the apps being discarded and a user's meditation process being constantly broken.

Another issue was one of awareness. Everyone has a bad day from time to time, but why? Not all of us can answer this question. Why do we find it more difficult to go to work somedays? Why can’t we get out of bed early enough to go to the gym? Why did we have that extra portion of pizza after feeling full?

With KeepAppy, you have access to a database of your full range of thoughts, feelings and emotions. We have 10 exclusive features relating to prevention, growth and care. We like to think of the app as being just like a gym. There are a range of machines, all targeting specific areas.

1 for 1 business model

We here at Square Root Solutions are proud to support an app with a socially driven approach. The app’s founders Aimée-Louise and Will Ben have been models of social awareness and wanted their creation to reflect her socially aware mindset. For this reason, the app operates a 1-for-1 business model, matching every paid subscription to the app with an anonymous donation to someone who is struggling, chosen by the helplines and organisations the app works with.

This reflects the genuine care and wellbeing approach the app takes towards its users, ensuring that everyone in need of help gets it.

Our data policy is even more impressive. While some apps may sell user data to third-party buyers, we ensure that your data is secure locally to your phone instead of our servers. We promise that your peace of mind about your innermost details will be secure for now and the future.


Augmented reality

A feature which particularly excites us here at Square Root Solutions is the gaming element that we are introducing to the app. A reason why so many wellness apps become discarded is the lack of interaction by users. Our innovators have introduced keepies, the augmented reality puppy to help you on your journey. To grind in the gym on a daily basis can be a challenge, as can taking the daily steps to improve your mental health. With the help of your virtual puppy however, you have someone else to help you on your path to wellness.

With KeepAppy we feel as if we are making a real difference to people's lives, and all for the benefit of our users. Square Root Solutions are proud to make award-winning apps, but nothing excites us more than helping our clients fulfil their dreams of developing an app for the benefit of people worldwide.

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